Fire up your Wii and navigate to Wii Options –> Data Management –> Save Data –> Wii.Also, if your converted save doesn't work, make sure it's got a (U)/(E), etc, on the end of it (or, to make it easy, look at what Wii64 makes as the Change the Convert Wii saves into emulator saves Euan Forrester: Segher's Wii. After this, you still need to click "Start NUS Download The converter works great as far as the sound and picture quality. This will convert the data into a Wii U format and save it to the file that was loaded. And it will also create a separate retroarch formatted save (srm). I searched a little bit and found a way to edit a Pokemon savefile.

The Wii consists of Wii remote controller which detects movements in three dimensions, defunct WiiConnect24 which enables it to receive messages and updates in standby mode over the internet and also features a game download service, called Virtual console.

After your connection test, the Wii console will check if there is a new Wii System Update available.